Field Trip Correction
On a previous version of the Camp Keyspot Reg Packet, Six Flags Field Trip was listed as Wed. Jul 2, 2025. That is a misprint.
Because of the construction project scheduled at Parkmead School this summer, Camp Keyspot will be in 3 classrooms at Tice Creek School this summer. We will be in the wing closest to the blacktop / playground as well as the Tice Creek MPR. All pick up and drop offs will happen in the Tice Creek School MPR. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
7:00am - 9:00am - Extended Morning Care
9:00am - 9:30am - Morning Meeting
(Please have your child no later than 9:30am whenever possible)
9:30am - 11:00am - AM Activities
11:00am - 11:30am - Clean Up / Outside Play
11:30am - 1:00pm - Lunch Time / Free Play
1:00pm - 1:30pm - PM Meeting
1:30pm - 3:00pm - PM Activity
3:00pm - 3:30pm - Snack Time
3:30pm - 6:00pm - Extended PM Care
Daily Schedule will change when there is an Off-Site trip planned or if there is a scheduled vendor.
Your child will enjoy activites designed for the age group all summer long. Science, Art, Group Games, Crafts, and Sports will fill your child's days here at Camp Keyspot. A Set of Activites will be available in the mornings before lunch and then again in the mid afternoon for your camper to participate in.
All Daily Activities will be listed on the Keyspot Calendar each day. Please refer to the calendar for all information regarding the daily activities.
Wheels and Toys at Camp Keyspot
Wheels are always allowed at Camp Keyspot. Please send your child with their helmet. This is mandatory to use all wheels on campus.
Toys are always allowed at Camp Keyspot. Please have your child's name on all their belongings. Always a good rule...if it means something to your child and they will be heart broken if it gets misplaced or broken, DO NOT BRING IT TO CAMP.
Electronics are ONLY allowed on Fridays. Please send your child with age appropriate games.
Games rated "E" ONLY will be allowed at Camp. Please limit game cartridges to 2 each friday. Tablet and computer games must be approved by staff.
Please make sure that your child has a lunch and enough snacks for the each day. Please do not send your child with heat up or "cooking" lunches/snacks. (i.e. cup of noodles, microwave mac& cheese, heat up left-overs).
Keyspot will not have food available for campers.
Camp Keyspot - EVERY WED 12:30PM - 3:30PM
Camp Keyspot will be at the pool every Wednesdsay. We will leave Keyspot at 12:30pm and return at 4:00pm. Your camper will enjoy the full size pool and the diving well. Children will be assesed for swimming skill before allowed into the full sized pool. Only Campers 6 years old or youngere will be able to use the wading pool these days. All other kids will enjoy activities provided by the staff for dry land play.
NO Swim Aides or Life Jackets, Snorkel Masks or Snorkels allowed in the pool. Noodles/Blow up floaties at the decretion of the lifeguards as they may impair their full vision of the pool.
We are excited to announce the return of Field Trips to Camp Keyspot! Some will be walking, some will be by school bus, and some will be On-Site adventures with vendors and play equipment brought in for your camper to enjoy. Whether it is a walking trip to watch a movie, bus trip to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, or enjoying the animals of Jungle James right here at Parkmead, these Field Trips will be the highlight of your Camper's Weeks with us!
All Fieldtrips are listed on the Keyspot Calendar with detsails for each trip such as TIMING, WHAT TO BRING, AND WHAT TO WEAR. Each child will be given a Camp Keyspot T-Shirt to wear on these days.
Fieldtrips are the only option on these days. There is no option to stay behind on campus. Please take this into account when planning your summer.
Dewing Park Swim Team & Sea Pony
Summer Practices
Camp Keyspot will provide 'Walk Over Service" for member sof the Dewing Park Swim Team and Sea Ponies Program.
Swimmers will walk over 1/2 hr before their age group practice begins. Swimmers will return to Camp Keyspot immediately following their practice.
Please make sure your child has their swim bag ready. Also is is always easier if your child has theier swim suit underneath their clothing that morning.
This service is not available when Keyspot is OFF-SITE on a fieldtrip on Thursdays.